The Current Actual Costs of Wind Power and the Benefits of Wind
Power: Realistic Comparison to Fossil Fuels (Mainly Natural Gas) – by Kent C.
Stewart, Oct. 2015
There seems to be much disagreement about the actual cost of
wind power and how it really compares to fossil fuels. I have decided to make
an attempt to get to the bottom of these discrepancies and try and analyze the
issue from several angles while remaining unbiased. Issues such as capacity
factors, intermittency management, installed capital costs, operating and
maintenance expenses, federal production tax credit (PTC), necessary transmission
additions and upgrades, baseload unit cycling of back-up power, state and local
subsidies, levelized cost of energy (LCOE), environmental costs, energy subsidy
comparisons, fuel cost variations, grid integration, electricity cost variations,
state renewable energy mandates, and transmission costs will be discussed.
After initial study of the issue I note two important
points: 1) Determining both the costs and benefits of wind power can be a
complex issue. There are many variables. Studies have been conflicting, some
misleading. Ideology and bias (pro and con) have tended to confuse the issue.
Accounting for all factors, both pro and con, needs to be the focus in any
accurate comparison. 2) There are different ways one can compare wind energy
and natural gas. Environmental (pollution and climate) costs are notoriously
difficult to determine. Some places, notably Europe, have carbon prices which
favors renewables considerably. Natural gas prices vary quite a bit in
different parts of the world. They are high in Europe which again favors
renewables. Thus places where there is a carbon price, subsidies, and high
natural gas prices will be the first to become more economical than fossil
fuels. Another issue difficult to unravel, quantify, and compare is that of
subsidies. There are tax credits, production credits, and other tax deferments.
There are also grants in some places. One might want to compare wind and
natural gas with and without the environmental costs, with and without the
subsidization, etc. Jonathan Cook, in a report by the Energy Efficiency Center
at UC Davis, noted that price comparisons between wind and fossil fuels are
subject to great uncertainty and are nearly impossible to predict.
A clear problem in the reporting on the analyses that have
been done is that they highlight and headline certain conclusions without
providing the details. Some complain that carbon prices unfairly favor
renewables in the market but that is the point of carbon pricing. Some complain
that there are hidden costs not accounted for in conclusions, particularly for
wind, but also in some cases for fossil fuels. Clearly at current commodity
prices wind energy is not competitive with any of the fossil fuels without the
incentives of direct subsidies and/or carbon pricing. Headlines often misleadingly
suggest that it is competitive in a free market. However, energy markets are
not free markets nor are they likely to be free markets in the future until
renewables actually are truly competitive with fossil fuels. Renewable energy
is strongly incentivized due to its environmental advantages at direct cost to
consumers, utility rate payers, and tax payers. At the same time fossil fuels
are disincentivized both by the incentives given its competitors and where
applicable by carbon prices. Renewables will be incentivized until they attain
parity with fossil fuels. That parity will occur through technology and
efficiency enhancements of renewables and theoretically by higher prices for
fossil fuels due to depletion of the most economic fossil fuel reserves. This
is predicted to happen at some point but the timeline is unclear.
Wind energy costs vary according to region so comparisons
also need to be regional. There are several other variables: capacity factors, state
and local incentives, needed transmission upgrades, necessary grid upgrades to
incorporate new wind projects, and needed base load cycling capacity. These may
all vary according to project but reasonable averages can be predicted. Transmission
upgrades depend on how far the wind generation is from to the market. Grid upgrades
depend on how that new wind generation will affect the current grid
configuration (whether new equipment will need to be added).
Base-Load Cycling Capacity
Base load cycling capacity is necessary as a backup for wind power and necessitates the need for additional contingency fuel reserves. Natural gas prices are variable. There is also more environmental impact due to the necessity of idling plants to be ready to provide backup. Natural gas offers the best backup due to ease and quickness of ramping up and down compared to coal and nuclear. It is also the most environmentally and climate friendly non-intermittent backup source. Nearly all base load cycling capacity is or could be natural gas as it is by far best suited to the task. New gas turbines can be ramped up in ten minutes and to full capacity combined cycle in thirty minutes, thus reducing energy wastage. However, very recently some new developments in the feasibility of battery storage suggest that battery storage, necessary to store lost peak production from renewables, will replace gas peaker plants. This is expected to begin to happen soon in areas with high percentages of renewable energy like California. If batteries replace gas turbines for the "demand response" that peaker plants provide then it will improve the emissions portfolio of renewables and slightly reduce gas usage. Time-frame or detailed viability for such replacement is uncertain at present. The biggest hurdle to battery storage is cost and until costs decline there won't be significant increases in battery storage, although several utilities are incorporating it successfully currently in small scale projects. It is a feasible technology but a costly one.
Base-Load Cycling Capacity
Base load cycling capacity is necessary as a backup for wind power and necessitates the need for additional contingency fuel reserves. Natural gas prices are variable. There is also more environmental impact due to the necessity of idling plants to be ready to provide backup. Natural gas offers the best backup due to ease and quickness of ramping up and down compared to coal and nuclear. It is also the most environmentally and climate friendly non-intermittent backup source. Nearly all base load cycling capacity is or could be natural gas as it is by far best suited to the task. New gas turbines can be ramped up in ten minutes and to full capacity combined cycle in thirty minutes, thus reducing energy wastage. However, very recently some new developments in the feasibility of battery storage suggest that battery storage, necessary to store lost peak production from renewables, will replace gas peaker plants. This is expected to begin to happen soon in areas with high percentages of renewable energy like California. If batteries replace gas turbines for the "demand response" that peaker plants provide then it will improve the emissions portfolio of renewables and slightly reduce gas usage. Time-frame or detailed viability for such replacement is uncertain at present. The biggest hurdle to battery storage is cost and until costs decline there won't be significant increases in battery storage, although several utilities are incorporating it successfully currently in small scale projects. It is a feasible technology but a costly one.
Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)
Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) assessments can be
misleading say Gilberson and Simmons simply because they leave out certain
costs, particularly in renewables. Recent LCOE analyses by Bloomberg New Energy
Finance show LCOE with wind being very close to natural gas but detractors
disagree. Simmons’ analysis basically doubles the LCOE of wind compared to the
NREL and DOE assessments. Marston’s rebuttal of Simmon’s Newsweek article
disputes some of his LCOE increases. LCOE for offshore wind is considerably
higher than for onshore wind. LCOE for nuclear energy is very high, mainly due
to waste and safety issues. Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s most recent analysis
suggests that wind energy is cheaper than natural gas in Germany and the U.K.
This is due to carbon pricing and the higher costs of natural gas there.
However, it is unclear whether all factors were accounted for in that analysis.
Capital and Operating Costs
As I understand, it currently is about twice the cost to
construct a wind farm that produces an equivalent amount of energy to a
combined cycle natural gas power plant. The equivalent wind farm would require
twice the initial capital investment but would have fairly predictable
operating and maintenance costs. The gas plant would require continuous
purchase of fuel at variable rates although rates could be hedged for certain
periods of predictability. Thus, although capital costs are much higher for
wind energy, operating costs are both cheaper and more predictable.
Capacity Factors
Nameplate capacity on a wind or solar facility can be
quite misleading. The latest avg. capacity factor for wind is somewhere between
30% and 38%, Giberson put it at 31.1 to 33.5% in 2013. That means that a 100 MW
wind farm is only capable of producing about 33 MW. EIA data gives monthly avg.
capacity factors for various fossil fuel sources. So far average capacity
factor for coal plants in 2015 is 56.5% with a monthly average range from 42.8%
to 66.7%. Average capacity factor for combined cycle gas for 2015 is 51.4% with
the range of monthly averages from 47.5% to 67.3%. In contrast, the latest
Bloomberg New Energy Finance report shows coal capacity factor at 85% for all
of 2015, natural gas capacity factor for 1st half 2015 at 70% with a
drop to 62% for 2nd half of 2015, wind at 35% for 1st
half 2015 and 37% for 2nd half 2015, and solar at 17% for 1st
half 2015 and 20% for 2nd half 2015. It is uncertain to me at
present why these numbers differ from the EIA numbers. Overall average capacity
factors drop for fossil fuel plants in the winter due to the need for “peaker
plants” to be running idle to be ready to accomodate high demand. NREL gave an
avg. wind capacity factor of 38% with a range from 18% to 53%. The DOE notes
that average capacity factors for wind have increased from 30% in 2000 to 33%
in 2014. The latest Bloomberg New Energy Finance numbers suggest that avg. wind
capacity factor increase from 35% to 37% from 1st half 2015 to 2nd
half 2015 is due to more generation coming on in the wind-rich southwest as
well as higher wind towers. They also state that the corresponding drop in
natural gas capacity factor is due mostly to renewables, chiefly wind, lowering
the usage of baseload plants. Actually, the disruption to efficiency of base-load cycling gas plants further complicates comparison of renewables to natural gas since the renewables are decreasing the efficiency of the gas plants. The questions arise: Should the necessary base load cycling gas plants providing back-up power for renewables be evaluated as part of the gas power generation system or part of the renewable power generation system and how should the accounting go?
Environmental Costs
Environmental costs are not easy to account. The environmental
costs of wind are obviously much lower than those of fossil fuels, particularly
coal. They are significantly lower than natural gas in terms of pollution and
greenhouse gases. Wind turbines utilize metals from mines, plastics from
petroleum, and large amounts of cement from cement plants which are significant
CO2 emitters. They also require back-up power supplied by a base load cycling
plant that typically runs on natural gas. This is used during intermittent
periods when the wind energy is not sufficient to keep the grid stable. The
back-up source must be idling in order to be prepared to be utilized. Idling
burns fuel. Another environmental benefit of wind vs. fossil fuels is that
there is no need to use fresh water resources for cooling. This is mainly important
in areas where water is scarce like the American southwest.
Opportunity Costs
This refers to what the money lost to subsidies could have
bought in a free energy market. This is of course speculative but in an
economic sense an opportunity to make more money in a better investment was
lost. Of course this idea does not account for environmental costs so one could
disregard the whole idea. Simmons and some others have seemingly complained that
this is a hidden cost of renewables and in a sense it is but it is also a way
of lowering environmental costs and that adds value as well. Simmons does not
seem to get that environmental costs are real costs even though it is difficult
to put an exact number value on them. Carbon costs in a carbon market are an
estimation of environmental costs so estimates can be and are made. This is
likely to be more common in the future, probably the reasonably near future.
Production Tax Credit (PTC)
Production Tax Credit (PTC) refers to the main federal direct
subsidy for wind power which is currently at $23 per MWh. The PTC represents
about 40% of overall subsidization for wind energy. Graphs of years where the
PTC was not in effect show drastic cuts in wind projects as without it they
lose their profitability. The PTC also allows wind energy producers to sell
wind energy at below market value and still make a significant profit. While
free energy market advocates have complained about this it is basically a
reality that is not likely to go away until technology and other forms of
subsidization like carbon pricing and state-level renewable portfolio standards
(RPS) become more standard and ratchet up.
Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS)
Renewable portfolio standards (RPS) are basically state
mandates for generating certain amounts of energy from renewable sources. Not only states
but also municipalities, businesses, and universities may develop their own renewable
energy standards and goals. These mandates require buying a certain amount of
renewable energy regardless of price. Since wind energy is more cost
competitive than solar, it will be the main source by far. There are many other
federal, state, and local incentives for renewable energy as well which vary by
state and region, so all would have to be accounted for in any comparison with
fossil fuels. This increases the complexity.
Wind Subsidization vs. Fossil Fuel Subsidization
There are many types of subsidization. There are direct
subsidies like tax credits. The PTC is one example. There are tax abatements,
tax deferments, property tax deferments, small operator subsidies, etc. These
can get quite complex to evaluate in terms of their overall avg. value. Marston
invoked historical subsidization in his Newsweek rebuttal to Simmons but this is
problematic because comparisons need to be current and not cumulative. He notes
that fossil fuels received 70% of subsidies between 1950 and 2010 while
renewable energy only received 10% in that time period. Fossil fuel that was
subsidized decades and years before wind became a viable technology should be
considered irrelevant. Wind energy clearly receives considerably more direct
subsidization currently than fossil fuels. Simmons complained that wind
subsidization was not yielding results via power increases: he noted that in
2010 43% of direct subsidization for electricity sources went to wind, which at
the time only made up 2% of electrical energy produced. In 2013 wind received
37% of direct subsidies and grew to 4% of electrical energy produced. Solar
also has a high percentage of direct subsidization per its percentage of grid
energy. Of course, these technologies are subsidized mostly for their
environmental benefits and slow improvements in efficiency and output continue
to increase their overall viability through time.
Transmission Additions and Upgrades
Another significant cost of wind power in the U.S. derives
from the best wind sources in the Great Plains being remote to markets and
requiring significant additional transmission and upgrades to current
transmission. This cost is paid for by utility rate payers and by tax payers
for state and federal contributions. The same is true to some extent for
natural gas pipelines that supply power plants but currently much of the new
natural gas supply is close to power markets, at least in the northeast U.S.
Recent Technology Advancements in Wind Energy
It should be noted that capacity factors for wind power are
expected to increase in the future due to technology upgrades. Some recently
deployed new technologies in wind energy include higher towers and long blades in
some areas to capture more powerful winds higher up. Another new trend is the
deployment of turbines with larger rotors designed to take advantage of lower
wind speeds. Both of these new trends can increase capacity factors.
Effects of Wind Energy on the Power Grid
Intermittency can destabilize the grid to some extent and the
threat of it requires base load capacity cycling to varying extents. Wind is
most powerful and reliable at night and before dawn at times of low power
demand. Solar power, in contrast, is most powerful and reliable during peak
demand hours during the day. Thus solar power can better aid demand response
than wind power. Surges of wind power during non-peak demand times can take
grid energy supply and demand out of balance and require some base load to be
taken off line then put back on line, both of which require energy usage and
wear and tear on the base load plant. Better supply and demand management
through energy forecasting, planning for new supply, better battery storage,
and smart grid technologies may help. However, recent studies indicate that
wind energy can be beneficial to the grid via ‘active power control’ (APC)
which can support system reliability at fast timescales. This is also called ‘automatic
generation control (AGC) when it refers to grid stabilization in the seconds to
minutes scale. APC/AGC of various types can scale up or scale down wind
turbines based on grid load, increasing or decreasing output to meet the
constantly fluctuating load demand. This is typically done by automation with
the assistance of a human operator. Basically, this means that wind can be used
to some extent as back-up power for other wind generation and renewable sources
to reduce the need for base load cycling capacity. Experimenters testing wind
APC were worried about the effects on the turbines of scaling up and down
frequently on very short time scales but have thus far concluded that the
effect on the turbines is negligible. However, Giberson notes that multiple
wind power projects in an area can be vulnerable to “large-scale wind events”
where within 30 minutes there may be a change from maximum wind power to no
wind power or vice versa.
The Future of Wind Power in the U.S.
Wind power has a certain future in the U.S. and throughout
the world as a source of renewable energy. Currently, the U.S. produces 4.5% of
its electricity with wind. Goals have that percentage rising to 10% by 2020 and
20% by 2030. Obama’s Clean Power Plan and the eventuality of carbon pricing
will further favor wind energy over other sources. This new capacity for wind
will mainly replace coal but will also become increasingly competitive with
natural gas as time goes on. If Bloomberg is right about the self-reinforcing cycle of wind energy aiding its own competitiveness by lower capacity factors for base load gas and if the PTC stays in place then percentage of wind on the grid may rise a little faster.
It is clear that it is indeed quite complicated to compare overall
wind and natural gas costs but certain educated assumptions can be made. The
complicated nature of comparison will likely continue to generate misleading
headlines touted by both advocates and detractors of wind energy. Wind is
clearly not yet on par with any fossil fuels economically without direct
subsidization. Wind has had some improvements in capacity factors, ability to
integrate with the grid and possibly to help back-up the grid in the future,
and in some situations it can lower gas capacity factors (thus beating down its
main competitor). On this last point the two energy sources really should be
considered more complementary than competitive but the self-reinforcing cycle
mentioned above would have to be properly balanced by the grid/utility management
to optimize their own power investments. It is clear that with the PTC and
other subsidies remaining in place wind will continue to ramp up and increase
its presence on the grid, possibly even meeting the goal of 20% by 2030. Generally
speaking, even though the output of wind energy is intermittent and variable
its capital and operating costs are fairly constant and predictable, and it has
no fuel costs and little environmental impact compared to fossil fuels. As
advantages are maximized and disadvantages minimized by technology and energy
balance planning and adjustment, the overall advantages of wind are likely to
improve even more.
Assessing Wind Power Cost Estimates – by Michael Giberson, PhD – Center
for Energy Commerce, Texas Tech University, October 2013
The True Cost of Energy: Wind Power – Final Report 2015 – by Randy T.
Simmons, PhD, Utah State University, Ryan M. Yonk, PhD, Utah State University,
and Megan E. Hansen, Strata Policy
True Costs of Wind Electricity – by Planning Engineer and Rud Istvan –
posted on Climate Etc. website
The Hidden Costs of Wind Power – report posted on Institute for Energy
Research (, Jan 4, 2013
What’s the True Cost of Wind Power? - by Randy Simmons - in Newsweek,
April 11, 2015
The True Benefits of Wind Power – by James D. Marston, director of
Texas office of Environmental Defense Fund – in Newsweek, April 21, 2015
Wind Energy Blown Away by Natural Gas – by Kimball Rasmussen – in Power:
Official publication of Electric Power, 08/01/2012
Fact Check: Wind’s Integration Costs are Lower Than Those for Other
Energy Sources – by Michael Goggin – in Into the Wind, the American Wind Energy
Association (AWEA) blog, July 25, 2014
Cost-Causation and Integration Cost Analysis for Variable Generation –
by Michael Milligan, Erik Ela, Bri-Mathias Hodge, Brendan Kirby (Consultant),
and Debra Lew – National Renewable Energy Laboratory – and Charlton Clark,
Jennifer DeCesaro, and Kevin Lynn – U.S. Dept. of Energy – Technical Report
NRL/TP-5500-51860 June 2011
Wind and Solar Boost Cost-Competitiveness Versus Fossil Fuels –
Bloomberg New Energy Finance press release, Oct. 5, 2015
Onshore Wind Is “Fully Competitive” Versus Fossil Fuels in Some Parts
of the World – by Melissa C. Lott in Scientific American blog, Oct. 6, 2015
60 Years of Energy Incentives: Analysis of Federal Expenditures for
Energy Development – by Management Information Services – prepared for The
Nuclear Energy Institute – Oct. 2011
The Future of Electricity Prices in California: Understanding Market Drivers
and Forecasting Prices to 2040 –
2014 Wind Technologies Market Report – U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Aug. 2015
Wind Vision: A New Era for Wind Power in the United States – U.S. Dept.
of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
Solar and Wind Just Passed Another Big Turning Point – by Tom Randall
for Bloomberg Business –
– Oct. 6, 2015
NREL Report Redefines Wind as a Grid Stabilizer, Not a Liability – summary
of report from National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Energy Information Administration (EIA) – Electric Power Monthly –
Capacity Factors for Utility Scale Generators Primarily Using Fossil Fuels,
January 2013 – July 2015
ESNA 2015: Why Energy Storage is Key to a Future with 'No More Gas Turbines' by Gavin Blade, in Utility Dive News, October 15, 2015
ESNA 2015: Why Energy Storage is Key to a Future with 'No More Gas Turbines' by Gavin Blade, in Utility Dive News, October 15, 2015
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